Young growing cattle, facing a rising worm burden on pasture, can easily fail to reach their growth potential if an effective drench is not used.
Unfortunately, many drenches are no longer effective against all key cattle worms.1,2
A scientific article in the Australian Cattle Veterinarians (ACV) journal highlighted widespread drench resistance in Australia1. The overall mean efficacy of single active drenches was only 72 per cent. Drenches need to be working at 95% or better.
The study also showed that Cydectin Platinum had high efficacy (99-100%) against all key worms.2,3 It is now a popular and convenient choice in Spring to “clean up” cattle.
Combination drenches are now the new standard in cattle. They ensure effective control of key cattle worms, including resistant strains, because they contain two actives with different modes of action targeting the same worm species.
Make sure you choose a combination drench, mainly if you used a single active drench in your last treatment.
Increasing the efficacy of your drench program by using a combination will increase weight gain. Multiple studies have proven that using a combination drench compared to a single active drench will increase the growth rate of your cattle.2-4
For example, in a recent study, Cydectin Platinum over two months led to 8kg additional weight gain compared to a Dectomax ® Pour-on3.4
Most worm populations are usually in the paddock as larvae and eggs.
Successful worm control involves removing worms from animals and reducing their exposure to new worm burdens.
Most combination drenches lack persistent activity, allowing worm infestations to re-establish quickly. Cydectin Platinum is the only combination cattle drench with persistent activity providing cleaner pastures for up to 35 days.3
Ensure you are using a highly effective and persistent drench to clean out cattle of all worms, kill incoming worm larvae for longer, reduce the overall paddock contamination and protect the growth of your cattle on pasture.
Cydectin Platinum delivers: