
Multimin® Evolution Injection for Cattle

Multimin Evolution Injection for Cattle is a chelated trace mineral injection for beef and dairy cattle deficient in and/or responsive to manganese, zinc, selenium and/or copper supplementation. Multimin Evolution contains selenium, copper, zinc and manganese, which are required for optimal health, production and fertility.

  • Beef Cattle
  • Dairy Cattle

WHAT IS Multimin Evolution?

  • MULTIMIN EVOLUTION Injection for Cattle is a unique trace mineral injection containing copper, selenium, zinc, and manganese.
  • Multimin Evolution Injection for Cattle increases productivity by improving immunity and fertility when it matters most.
  • The enhanced levels of zinc in MULTIMIN EVOLUTION are required to boost the immunity and fertility of modern cattle. Zinc is one of the most abundant trace minerals in the body of cattle and large amounts of zinc are used to ensure an adequate immune response and optimal fertility.1,2


  • Multimin Evolution has been shown to improve first cycle conception rates by up to 19.4%.3-5
  • Pregnancy rates in breeding females treated with Multimin Evolution are up to 12% higher than untreated females.3,4,6-8
  • Bulls treated with Multimin Evolution 90 days prior to joining had a 22% higher sperm concentration and significantly more motile sperm than control animals.9-13
  • Multimin Evolution improves cow and calf health and speeds up vaccine response. Don’t vaccinate without Multimin Evolution.1,14-23

WHY CHOOSE Multimin Evolution?

  • Multimin Evolution contains the highest trace mineral content (90 mg/mL) 24 of any other injectable trace mineral product on the market in a low volume formulation that is rapidly absorbed, readily utilised and provides sustained antioxidant activity during high demand periods.25-27
  • Multimin Evolution has 50% more Zinc than any other injectable trace mineral product on the market 24. Zinc is critical for reproduction, immunity and to meet the high demands of modern cattle1,2.


60 g/L Zinc as disodium zinc EDTA
15 g/L Copper as disodium copper EDTA
10 g/L Manganese as disodium manganese EDTA
  5 g/L Selenium as sodium selenite



Cows & heifers Weaners Bulls Feedlotting/backgrounding
30 days pre-joining^ At or before weaning 90 days pre-joining Before or at induction
30 days pre-calving At joining



Cows Heifers Calves Bulls
30 days pre-joining^ 30 days pre-joining^ At birth 90 days before joining
At or before dry off 30 days pre-calving Every 3 months At joining

^6-8 weeks before artificial breeding (Fixed Time Artificial Insemination, Embryo Transfer, Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer).


Use in cattle only by subcutaneous injection.

Always inject high on the neck, multiple injections should preferably be given on different sides of the neck, according to product label instructions.

Cattle Age Liveweight
Injection Dose Rate (mL)
Calves up to 1 year

1 mL per 50 kg
25 0.5
50 1
75 1.5
100 2
125 2.5
150 3
175 3.5
200 4
225 4.5
250 5
Yearlings from 1 to 2 years

1 mL per 75 kg 
190 2.5
225 3
265 3.5
300 4
340 4.5
375 5
415 5.5
Adult cattle over 2 years

1 mL per 100 kg
400 4
500 5
600 6
700 7
800 8
900 9
1000 10

Round down to the nearest 0.5 mL. This product must not be applied at a rate
greater than the amount shown on the label


Do not administer this product to severely debilitated or stressed animals.
Do not administer to animals suffering from liver disease.
Do not treat thirsty or exhausted cattle. Allow animals access to water after treatment.

Minerals such as copper, cobalt, selenium, iron, manganese and molybdenum compete with each other for metabolically important processes in the animal. Users should seek veterinary advice before treatment.

DO NOT use Multimin Evolution concurrently with drenches, boluses or other animal health products containing selenium or copper. If in doubt, consult your veterinarian.
DO NOT MIX products with Multimin Evolution in the same syringe prior to administration.


Meat: Zero (0) days
Milk: Zero (0) days
ESI: Zero (0) days


Store below 25°C (air conditioning).


200 mL and 500 mL

Multimin® is a registered trademark of Virbac.


  1. Arthington, J. D., & Havenga, L. J. (2012). Effect of injectable trace minerals on the humoral immune response to multivalent vaccine administration in beef calves. J. Anim. Sci., 90(6), 1966-1971.
  2. Suttle, N.F. (2022) Mineral Nutrition of Livestock. 5th Edition, CABI, Cambridge.
  3. Mundell, L. et al. (2012). Effects of prepartum and postpartum bolus injections of trace minerals on performance of beef cows and calves grazing native range, Prof. Anim. Sci., 28:82- 88.
  4. Virbac (2015) Trial protocol 578/15*.
  5. Virbac (2018) Trial protocol 594/18*.
  6. Sales, J. et al. (2011). Effect of injectable copper, selenium, zinc and manganese on the pregnancy rate of crossbred heifers (Bos indicus x Bos taurus) synchronised for timed embryo transfer. Livest. Sci., 142:59-62.
  7. Hawkins D. (2007). The effect of injectable trace elements (Multimin®) on health and reproduction parameters in NZ dairy herds, NZ Dairy Cattle Veterinarians Newsletter, 24(3):12-16*.
  8. Mitchell. K. et al. (2008). Injectable trace elements increase reproduction efficiency in dairy cows, in Trace Elements in Animal Production Systems, 296-299.
  9. Durel et al. (2016), proceedings of the 29th World Buiatrics Congress, Dublin, Ireland, 3-8 July 2016*.
  10. Hill S.L et al (2015). Breeding soundness of weaned bull calves treated with bolus injections of trace minerals. Proceedings of the Society for Theriogenology Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX, USA - Aug. 5 - 9, 2015.
  11. Preedy, G. W. et al. (2018). Injectable trace-mineral supplementation improves sperm motility and morphology of young beef bulls. Prof. Anim. Sci., 34(1), 1-9.
  12. Sullivan, L.T. et al. (2018) Evaluation of essential oil and injectable trace mineral on bull growth performance and fertility, Transl. Anim. Sci., Volume 2, Issue suppl_1, S189–S192.
  13. Virbac (2022) 621-21 Data on file.
  14. Teixeira, A. et al. (2014). Effect of an injectable trace mineral supplement containing selenium, copper, zinc, and manganese on immunity, health, and growth of dairy calves. J. Dairy Sci., 97:4216-4226.
  15. Palomares, R. et al. (2016). Effects of injectable trace minerals on humoral and cell-mediated immune responses to Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus, Bovine Herpes Virus 1 and Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus following administration of a modified-live virus vaccine in dairy calves. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol., 178:88-98.
  16. Richeson, J. et al. (2006). Supplemental trace minerals from injection for shipping-stressed cattle. AAES Research Series, 574: 85-88*.
  17. Hoyos-Jaramillo A, et al. (2022). Clinical status and endoscopy of the upper respiratory tract of dairy calves infected with Bovine viral diarrhea virus 2 and Bovine herpes virus 1 after vaccination and trace minerals injection. Res Vet Sci. 20;152:582-595.
  18. Arthington, J. et al. (2014). Effects of trace minerals on measures of performance and trace mineral status of pre- and post-weaned beef calves. Journal Animal Science, 92:2630-2640.
  19. Roberts, S. L. et al (2016). Effect of injectable trace mineral administration on health, performance, and vaccine response of newly received feedlot cattle. Prof. Anim. Sci., 32(6), 842-848.
  20. Ball, M. (2016). Trace mineral injection enhances antibody response to botulism vaccination. AVA Proceedings, Adelaide*.
  21. Bittar, J. H. et al (2020). Immune response and onset of protection from Bovine viral diarrhea virus 2 infection induced by modified-live virus vaccination concurrent with injectable trace minerals administration in newly received beef calves. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol, 110055.
  22. Bittar, J. H. J. et al (2018). Effects of injectable trace minerals administered concurrently with a modified live virus vaccine on long-term protection against bovine viral diarrhea virus acute infection in dairy calves. Res. Vet. Sci., 119, 250-258.
  23. Bittar, J. H. et al (2018). Effects of injectable trace minerals on the immune response to Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida following vaccination of dairy calves with a commercial attenuated-live bacterin vaccine. Prof. Anim. Sci., 34(1), 59-66.
  24. Refer to registered label APVMA n 87739
  25. Hansen (2010) Effects of Multimin®90 on trace mineral status of Angus and Simmental calves. Iowa State University, Department of Animal Science.
  26. Pogge, D. J. et al. (2012). Mineral concentrations of plasma and liver after injection with a trace mineral complex differ among Angus and Simmental cattle. J. Anim. Sc. 90(8), 2692-2698.
  27. Virbac (2020) Trial protocol 616/20*.

The benefits outlined in the above scientific studies may not necessarily be registered label claims. Some of these benefits were observed in cattle meeting or exceeding NRC trace mineral requirements provided by oral supplementation. *The Multimin® formulation in this study contained lower levels of minerals compared to Multimin® Evolution. Multimin® is a registered trademark of Virbac.


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