For the sustained control of barber’s pole worm (Haemonchus contortus) and control of liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) mature and immature – including six weeks old stages, and nasal bot (Oestrus ovis) and aids in control of selenium responsive conditions in sheep.
Control of barber’s pole worm in conjunction with another drench (e.g. Cydectin Long Acting Injection for Sheep).
Closantel is a medium spectrum drench with activity against barber’s pole worm, liver fluke and nasal bot.
Barber’s pole worms are insatiable feeders, sucking blood from the lining of the stomach, causing anaemia. Sheep with heavy infections of barber’s pole worms lack stamina, have pale gums and conjunctiva, and may also have bottle-jaw or constipation. If present in large numbers, barber’s pole worms can kill sheep. Closantel can provide control of susceptible barber’s pole worm, including sustained protection against re-infection. CLOSICARE PLUS SELENIUM protects sheep against closantel-susceptible strains of barber’s pole worm for 4 weeks (up to 99.9% efficacy at four weeks after drenching).
CLOSICARE PLUS SELENIUM provides control of immature and adult liver fluke including the 6 week (immature) stage. Treating immature flukes reduces the damage that they do to the animal’s liver, which in turn reduces overall production losses.
Selenium deficiency is common in the higher rainfall areas in which barber’s pole worm and liver fluke are prevalent. Selenium deficiencies can increase the effect a worm burden can have on animals through suppressing their immune systems. Other problems associated with selenium deficiency are ill thrift, infertility, reduced production (milk, wool and meat), scouring and ‘white muscle’ disease.