MULTIMIN EVOLUTION Injection for Cattle is a unique trace injection containing copper, selenium, zinc, and manganese, Multimin Evolution Injection for Cattle increases productivity by improving immunity and fertility when it matters most.
The enhanced levels of zinc in MULTIMIN EVOLUTION are required to boost the immunity and fertility of modern cattle. Zinc is one of the most abundant trace minerals in the body of cattle and large amounts of zinc are used to ensure an adequate immune response and optimal fertility.11,20
22% Higher sperm concentration, and more motile sperm than control animals.29
Improved number of conceptions in the first cycle from 10 to 12.5%.5,35
Improved overall pregnancy rate from 3 to 12%.5,6,28,35
MULTIMIN EVOLUTION has been shown to decrease incidence of pneumonia, otitis, and scours in calves, and mastitis and endometritis in cows,6 reducing the need for veterinary treatment and antibiotics.8,9
Benefits outlined on this page are not necessarily registered label claims